
Tuesday, April 27, 2004

let's think about this...persay you were a fish sandwich at mcdonalds. a large size coke comes along and figures it would be better off with the big mac rather than your shitty single fillet of fish between 2 fat buns...would you still wish to be with the coke? or how about that nursery rhyme when the fork ran off with the spoon? or some shit like that. what if you were the knife? would you feel betrayed or left out? the best thing to do in this type of situation is to run off with a spork in rebellion. i have a hidden point in this, that i am trying to convey well, but it's going terribly wrong. when the coke or the fork do something that is completely undesirable, and then try to make things right, like becoming an extra value fish fillet meal, or a complete set of silverware, no one should agree to that. never settle for second best. but it's suprising how some people will settle for the second hand. when things go wrong the first time, don't short change yourself. don't think that things will get better after the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th times things go wrong again. if you are that fish fillet sandwich, tell the coke to fuck off and have a good time producing high calorie children with the big mac daddy. and if you are the knife, settle for a more violent approach...cut them bitches! you're a fucking knife. if the fork and the spoon do you wrong, it is in your genes to cut them. but instead, the fish fillets continue to want to be with the cokes, and the knifes want to be with the spoons. if they had any eyes, they should open them and pull their heads out of their asses (if they had those, too).
this makes no sense, and i realize that, but i am still going to publish it. it has a point, a very hidden, fucked up point, but a point none the less. and if you are that fish fillet, or that dull knife, it would be best that you live in a hole for the rest of your life and become a hermit.
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