
Friday, July 02, 2004

some days i get the feeling that god truly hates me. not only does he put me on this earth to be completely clueless about what i am to do with my life, he has to throw some curve balls in there. lately i cannot catch a break with anything. i try to play the game by the rules, but i always lose. i am surprised that god didnt bless me with 11 fingers or 17 nipples just to watch me flail while i try and fit in on the playground. in this case, i would much rather have 17 nipples, because you can always have those extra 15 removed. or i could be a really good circus freak. i don't know if i really believe that everything is supposed to happen for a reason. lately, i don't know what the reasons would be to getting fucked over. just for one example, what's the reason for a supposed "friend" of mine fucking me over for 3 thousand dollars? i would really like to know that one. if anyone comes up with an answer, i will send you a fucking fruit basket.
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