Thursday, September 30, 2004
one of my pet peeves are those people that do not look in any direction before crossing the road. i know this is a college campus and all, and people have the right of way, but for god's sake, please look both ways before crossing the street. a guy just did this the other day in front of me. now, i know that if you get hit by a car on campus, you get free tuition as long as you go to the university, so maybe that's the motive behind it. but, i would much rather not have your body imprint on my car. but, if you would like me to, i could run your ass over and fix that popped up collar on the pavement. and speaking of popped up collars, that's a no. it just looks like you got dressed in the dark, and without a mirror. but if you still think that it looks cool, then you should be sporting some molester sun glasses, huge side burns, a white van with no windows and a cage in the back, and some cookies to lure in small children.
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