Friday, October 15, 2004
laguna beach. a new reality tv show on mtv that follows around rich, spoiled, dumb ass high school kids. i really don't care to see them whine and bitch about driving an old range rover when they want to be sporting a lexus. get over the fact that your parents provide everything for you and you throw away their money like week old trash. so, you have the chance to go to fashion shows and live on an expensive beach. this does not make you who you are. look at me, i am from ortonville and i manage to still have all of my teeth...just because i came from a town that sounds like it harvests in-bred NRA members, does not mean that i am lacking a chromosome or two. laguna beach sounds nice and all, but when you think about it, any location with the word "beach" is going to house shallow, conceited, dumb ass mother fuckers. and, we definitely don't need a tv shows elaborating on how self-centered these people are. i could go to rochester to see that.
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