
Monday, February 28, 2005

what would the world be like if paris hilton were president?
well, i can answer that absurd question. first of all, the vice prez would be ex-heroin addict nicole ritchie...who else? the pledge of allegiance would be changed to the simple phrase, "that's hot." the american flag would change from it's red, white and blue colors to hot pink with a picture of her chihuahua in the middle. paris and nicole would make a reality tv show about running for president...and FOX would eat it up. schools' dress codes would change...skirts would have to be 3 inches long, accompanied by jimmy choo stilettos, and boys would have to go shirtless. minumum wage would rise to $65.00 an hour, because paris has no value of money at all, she has been spending her parent's the first 20 years of her life before she became famous for being famous. girls weighing more than 120 pounds would be sent to fat camp. blonde hair dye would come in one color-lovely paris blonde. weight-loss plans would come with coke dealer's phone numbers...because you know her diet plan is something that she eats through her nose. marijuana would be legal, because you would have to be high as hell to sit there and listen to her give speeches on stopping world hunger...odds are, she doesn't even know that africa is it's own continent, let alone name 3 countries in it. i would go on, but i have other things to do for now...more to come soon.
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