
Tuesday, July 12, 2005

i think it's funny when girls blow things totally out of proportion. we also add so much uneccesary drama that it makes me ashamed to own a vagina. when things don't go our way, we need to just sit back and think, w.w.p.d.? (what would penis do?). i am not going to sit here and worship men for their lack of sensitivity and common sense, but i will reward them for their no-drama tactics. although men, those species that tend to think with the smaller head, have a lot of brushing up to do when it comes to things such as pulling their heads out of their asses, i think girls should learn a few things from them....yes, i did say that. when girls get into catfights, they could last days, if not weeks, and the silent treatment is not something that i like to participate in. i think it would be easier if girls took their opponent out in the parking lot and settled it like boys. then, the next morning they could do a simple high five, and call it a day. or, instead of girls getting all pissy when someone rejects them, they should just shrug it off and move onto the next thing that has two legs and walks upright. guys do it all the time, and they don't have low self esteem and lock themselves in the bathroom and cry about it. they grab another beer to boost their confidence and try the next white-trash pick line that they think will actually work. so, take my advice, pretend to have a penis for a day and wash your logic and common sense away.
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