
Thursday, January 10, 2008

chain letters are ridiculous. they have invaded every mass communication outlet we have ever created; written letters, e-mail, texting, myspace bulletins....etc. i will not part-take in the nonsense of passing on a chain letter. i do not believe that if i do not send this letter to 2,496 people within the next 20 minutes i will have bad luck in love. i do not believe that if i do not forward this letter that world hunger will be cured. and i sure as hell don't buy the ones that say if you forward this letter to 2 people and they forward this letter to 2 people and so on, you will receive 45 cents for every person that keeps the letter going. i have a better idea, if you are so infatuated with the idea of possibly making 45 cents off of people forwarding a letter, it must be out of this world to actually go and apply for a job where you could earn at least $8 an hour. i think some people actually believe in the power of the chain letter, that it may ruin their lives if they do not forward the message. a donkey will not rape your sister at midnight and then slap you in the face with a rotting fish if you stop a chain letter. and you will never find the person of your dreams by sending out a stupid chain letter, either. if you are that concerned with finding the person of your dreams by sending e-mail messages, join eRapist.com. (sorry, that was a little harsh, eHarmony.com.) for the sake of all things sane in this world, please do not send anymore chain letters. i am not too worried that a midget smeared in blue paint might slash my tires or a bald eagle wearing a spinner necklace will drop a dead baby on my car during rush hour. bad things don't happen to people because they stop a chain letter. bad things happen to people with non-registered weapons, heroin addictions and expired work visas. breathe a sigh of relief.
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